In-person Holy Communion worship each Sunday at 11AM. If you are feeling ill or have been in close contact with someone who is feeling ill, we ask that you stay home and worship virtually as we also stream each Sunday morning (except Breakfast Church Sundays) on Trinity's Facebook Page and our YouTube channel. Breakfast Church Worship is on hiatus until our special end of the summer Waffle Church on Sunday August 11th when we will bless teachers and students returning to school. Seating begins at 10:30AM in the fellowship hall next to the sanctuary. This is our different way to be church as we gather around small tables, share breakfast, reflect on that Sunday's scripture, pray, sing to live music, and participate in Holy Communion! All Welcome Always! We're an Inclusive ChurchTLC's Commitment to Radical Hospitality includes a specific statement of love and welcome to the LGTBQA+ community. We're a Reconciling in Christ (RIC) congregation of the ELCA (Evangelical Lutheran Church in America). You are welcome here. You are loved. We are allies, partners, and friends.
Here at TLC, the LGTBQIA+ community can and should expect equal access to and participation in all of the sacraments (baptism and communion), all of the ministry, all of the fellowship, and the ability to be married in the sanctuary or any location. We reject racism, white supremacy, misogyny, transphobia and homophobia and we actively work to dismantle these forces wherever they may be found. We reject the Bible's historic and continuing use to wound and hurt. Our leadership reflects our commitments: In 2024 we are led by Lisa Montalchi (she/her), Denise Payne (she/her), Tina Hines (she/her), Annie Broderson (she/her), Lois Cozier (she/her), Janean Baumal (she/her), and The Rev. Dr. Keith Spencer (he/his). We're Justice FocusedJustice is not a ministry that we "do." Instead, we seek to live the scriptural mandate for justice as central to our Christian identity. We view justice and mercy as two sides of the same coin. We are founding members of and enthusiastic participants in BOLD Justice, an interfaith grassroots justice organization here in Broward County
We're Servant-DrivenOur congregation is filled with people who walk Christian talk. We believe that our baptismal call equips us to boldly and passionately live our faith. We serve the immediate needs of the community primarily through our Kindhearted Krew Ministry.
We Care About God's CreationMartin's Milkweed Meadow, where we grow pesticide-free Florida-native milkweed plants to give away to support local Monarch butterfly populations, is our latest Care of Creation project. Check it out here .
Contact UsPhone: 954-668-6077
Email: [email protected] USPS: 7120 SW 2nd Court Pembroke Pines, FL 33023 Our Pastor: The Rev. Dr. Keith Spencer Continue Community on Facebook! |
Visit UsPhysical Address: 7150 Pines Boulevard Pembroke Pines, FL 33024
Parking lots on Pines Boulevard and 72nd Avenue. Wheelchair accessible.